Here you will find a set of graphs showing average height per birth year split up by country. The graphs are based on data entered in stud books and I have only plotted countries for which I had enough stud book data for enough ponies. Average heights for the different countries across years are: Ireland: 138.25 cm, Sweden: 142.96 cm, Denmark: 143.09 cm, America: 141.80 cm, Australia: 138.78 cm.
The graph below shows average heights for Irish Connemara ponies. The graph includes all ponies in the Irish stud book with a birth year up until somewhere around 1990. However, also for the year after there are around 100 ponies or more. The rather large fluctuations in the early 1900s are due to very few ponies born these years. From 1916 when the graph begins to stabilize there are more than 10 ponies in each year.
The next graph shows average heights for Swedish Connemara ponies. The error bars show average height plus/minus one standard deviation.
The following graph shows average heights for Danish Connemara ponies. The years 1968 - 1975, 1980 and 1984 and onwards contain 10 ponies or more.
The graph below shows average heights for American (the USA and Canada) Connemara ponies. The years 1954 and 1957 and onwards has data for more than 10 ponies.
The last graph shows average heights for Australiana Connemara ponies. From 1970 and onwards there are 10 or more ponies.